I went running through the vents so I would’t be seen, I was running when I heard 2 aliens talking. “Our master is going to destroy all human species” said alien 1, “and then he’s gonna take over the planet” said alien 2. I knew I had to stop him, I was running through the vent when I fell and landed in a room. “Ow” I said as I got up and saw him petting a white fluffy cat, “so, you won’t stop will you” he asked me. Â “Ya” I said to him “well then you better know who I am” he said as he took off his cape. “Oh my gosh, its, Cee Lo Green” I yelled in surprise. “Surprised” he asked me “well I just yelled in surprise, so isn’t it obvious” i said to him. “Well your to late, horrors, get out here and illuminate him” he said to a speaker. All of a sudden, a door opened up and the horrors came out “OMG, its, One Direction” I yelled. They started to shoot me while singing the song, you don’t know your beautiful. When they got to the part, you don’t know your beautiful I said ” um, excuse me, but I do know that I’m beautiful, I look in the mirror everyday.” And when they said, baby you light up my world like nobody else, I said, “ah, you guys are so sweet.” They got to a point when they were over the trapdoor and I activated the trap door which made them fall out of the ship. “Assassins, get in here” he said to the speaker, all of a sudden, assassins came of of know where and started to try and, well you know, assassinate me. I unmasked one of them and guess who it was, tattoo boy, Adam Levine! “Wait, if your Adam Levine, then they must be Maroon 5” I said “your right kid” Adam said. I pulled a lever and an anvil fell on them. “You,me, fight” Cee Lo said as he put on the armour, he came running to me when I opened up the trapdoor. “So easy” I said as I headed over to the control system, I was about to explode the ship when a robot shot me. I started to disintegrate, I knew what I had to do, I crawled to the controls (because my legs had already disintegrated) and pressed the self destruct button. “Goodbye” were my last words.
Recent Entries
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